Trial Name
| Description
| Primary Investigator
| Study Details
| To determine the sensitivity of Cordio HearO in detecting impending episodes of heart failure decompensation requiring intervention. The Cordio HearO app remotely monitors patients by detecting changes in the patients' recorded voice relative to a baseline. Changes in vocal parameters and deterioration of heart failure patients is the impact of HF-induced edema on the vocal tract and on the and on the organs that produce the vocal excitation. Nonrandomized. Sponsor is Cordio Medical.
| Eugene Chung, MD
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ALT Flow EFS (Device)
| Early feasibility study of the Edwards Transcatheter Atrial Shunt System is a multi-center, prospective, non-randomized, early feasibility study to evaluate initial clinical safety, device functionality, and effectiveness of the Edwards Transcatheter Atrial Shunt System. Sponsor: Edward Life Sciences
| Santiago Garcia, MD
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ALT Flow (Device)
| Study to assess the safety, performance, and effectiveness of the Edwards APTURE transcatheter shunt system (ALT Flow II) when used for the treatment of patients with heart failure with preserved (HFpEF) or mildly reduced (HFmrEF) ejection fraction (LVEF >40%). The Edwards APTURE transcatheter shunt system is intended for transcatheter treatment of symptomatic left-sided heart failure Randomized, sham-controlled, blinded (patient and evaluators) feasibility trial. Sponsor: Edward Life Sciences.
| Santiago Garcia, MD
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| Purpose of study is to assess the feasibility of the BiVACOR Total Artificial Heart (TAH) System to support adult patients with severe biventricular heart failure, or univentricular heart failure in which left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support is not recommended, who require mechanical circulatory support to sustain life. The BiVACOR TAH System is intended for use as a bridge to transplant (BTT). Feasibility will be assessed by evaluating safety and performance. Sponsor: BiVACOR
Robert Dowling, MD
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Evaluate the safety and efficacy of the AccuCinch Ventricular Restoration System in patients with symptomatic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction.The AccuCinch implant draws in the LV free wall (reducing its radius by ~ 10 mm) which facilitates subsequent LV reverse remodeling and improved LV function over time.Randomized 1:1 ratio: Treatment - AccuCinch system plus guideline-directed medical therapy versus Control - guideline-directed medical therapySponsor is Ancora Heart, In
Dean Kereiakes, MD
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Doraya-HF EFS (Device)
| The study is to evaluate the feasibility of the Doraya Catheter and measure clinical performance and safety endpoints, in the acute heart failure with insufficient response to diuretics.The Doraya device is a central venous catheter, placed in the IVC below the renal veins, applying partial and controlled, adjustable flow. The flow regulator mechanism reduces CVP and renal afterload, thus enabling improved patient response to diuretic therapy.Nonrandomized trial.Sponsor is Revamp medical.
| Eugene Chung, MD
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Empower (Device)
| The objective of this blinded clinical trial is to assess the safety and efficacy of the Carillon Mitral Contour System in treating heart failure with functional regurgitation (FMR).The implant is designed to be deployed, tensioned, and locked in the coronary vein in order to reshape the mitral annulus and thus reduce mitral annular dilation and mitral regurgitation.Randomization is 1:1 allocation to the Intervention or Control. PT IS BLINDED DON'T DISCLOSE.Sponsor is Cardiac Dimensions In
| Sitaramesh Emani, MD
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Responder HF (Device)
| The Corvia Atrial Shunt System indicated for the improvement in QOL and reduction of HF related symptoms and events in patients with heart failure with preserved (HFpEF) or mildly reduced ejection fraction (HFmrEF) with elevated left atrial pressures, without latent pulmonary vascular disease and without a cardiac rhythm device, who remain symptomatic despite standard GDMT Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Sham Controlled, Double Blinded Trial, with1:1 randomization. Sponsor: CORVIA
| Eugene Chung, MD
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Vectorious Vector-HF Early Feasibility (Device)
| The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and performance of the V-LAP System in subjects with New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class II and III HF, irrespective of left ventricular ejection fraction. The V- LAP™ System is intended for wirelessly measuring and monitoring LAP. The V-LAP™ System is indicated for subjects with chronic symptomatic ACC/AHA Stage C subjects Heart Failure. A Multi-center, National, Open Label, Prospective Study. Sponsor: Vectorious Medical
| Sitaramesh Emani, MD
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Cytokinetics (HCM)
| This trial will study the safety and efficacy of the effects of Aficamten (versus placebo) on the quality of life, exercise capacity, and clinical outcomes of patients with non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Aficamten is designed to reduce the hypercontractility that underlies the pathophysiology of HCM. A phase 3, multi center, randomized, double blind. Sponsor: Cytokinetics, INC
| Ankit Bhatia, MD
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EDG-7500-102 Edgewise (HCM)
| Trial to evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetic, and Pharmacodynamic Effects of EDG-7500 in Adults with Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Will explore effects on LVOT Obstruction, determine the single- and multiple dose PK of med as well. Trial is a 2-part, open-label study. Part A of the study participant administered a single dose of EDG-7500. Part B of the study is an optional multiple-dose treatment period, participant will receive EDG-7500 once daily for up to 28 days.
| Ankit Bhatia, MD
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| Study designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacodynamics (PD) of TN-201 in adult patients with symptomatic MYBPC3 mutation-associated nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (nHCM). First-in-human, non-randomized trial and will consist of 2 escalating dose cohorts. The study will follow patients for 5 years following a single dose of TN-201. Sponsor: Tenaya Therapeutics
Wojciech Mazur, MD
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Sonata (HCM)
| Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Sotagliflozin in symptomatic obstructive and non-obstructive Hypertrophic CardioMyopathy (SONATA-HCM. Study will determine the changes in symptoms and functional limitations in participants with symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) treated with Sotagliflozin as compared to placebo. Sponsor: Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, INC
| Ankit Bhatia, MD
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Ask CHF2-CS201 (Medication)
| Trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single antegrade intracoronary artery infusion of 3 dose levels of AAV2i8 capsid expressing the transgene for I-1c (AAV2i8.I-1c or NAN-101) in subjects with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and NYHA Class III symptoms of HF. Phase 2, double-blinded, placebo controlled, and randomized. Sponsor Askelepios Biopharmaceutical, INC
Timothy Henry, MD
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Amber HFpEF (Medication)
| Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of CK-4021586 in Adults with Symptomatic Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction. Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled study. CK-4021586 is a small molecule cardiac myosin inhibitor being developed as a chronic oral treatment for participants with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Sponsor: Cytokinetics
| Ankit Bhatia, MD
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ATTR-CM (ION-682884-CS2) (Medication)
| To evaluate the effect of treatment with ION‑682884 compared to placebo for 120 weeks on cardiovascular mortality and recurrent CV clinical events in patients with ATTR-CM.ION‑682884 is an antisense drug targeted to human TTR mRNA and its hybridization to the cognate TTR mRNA results in the RNase H1-mediated degradation of the TTR mRNA preventing production of the TTR protein.Randomized 1:1 to receive either ION‑682884 45 mg or placebo SC once every 4 weeks.Sponsor is Ionis Pharmaceuticals
| Timothy Raymond, DO
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IONIS ION 682884-CS12 Open Label (Medication)
| An Open Label Extension Study to Assess Long-Term Safety of Eplontersen in Adults With Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM). Eligible participants will receive eplontersen once every 4 weeks for up to 36 months or 6 months after eplontersen is approved and available in the site's country, whichever occurs first. Participants will also receive daily supplemental doses of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A. Sponsor: Ionis Pharmaceuticals
| Timothy Raymond, DO
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NanoCor (Medication)
| To evaluate the safety of a single antegrade epicardial coronary artery infusion of 3 dose levels of NAN-101 to subjects with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and NYHA Class III symptoms of heart failure.NAN-101 is a gene therapy product composed of a novel chimeric cardiotropic adeno-associated virus AAV2/AAV8 vector capsid (AAV2i8) and a cassette expressing a constitutively active form of I-1c.Non-randomized open-label.Sponsor is NanoCor Therapeutics, Inc. / Asklepios BioPharmaceutical.
| Timothy Henry, MD
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Reneu HF (Medication)
| A Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of JK07 in Adults With Chronic Heart Failure. There will be 2 Cohorts in study. Cohort 1 -Heart failure (HF) participants with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of ≤ 40% and Cohort 2 -Heart failure (HF) participants with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) > 40% and ≤ 65%. Phase 2 Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled. Sponsor: Salubris Biotherapeutics, INC
| Sitaramesh Emani, MD
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Reverse - HF (Medication)
| Study to evaluate clinical outcomes of adjustable ultrafiltration with the Aquadex System as compared to adjustable loop diuretics in patients with an acute exacerbation of chronic heart failure (HF) and congestive physiology who are unresponsive to medical management. Patients with chronic heart failure, already established on outpatient diuretic therapy, hospitalized with an episode of decompensation with clear evidence of int volume overload will be evaluated. Sponsor: Nuwellis
| Sitaramesh Emani, MD
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