​​​​​​​​​​​​​Heart Link at The Christ Hospital Health Network

To help our heart failure patients as they return home from the hospital, we created Heart Link—a unique program to help you better understand and maintain control of your heart condition.

A nurse specialist for ongoing support

Shortly after you leave the hospital, a specially trained heart-failure nurse contacts you to review your condition. To help you self-manage your condition, the nurse will reinforce healthy habits and highlight the importance of follow-up care. As your personal information resource, he or she will answer any questions you or your family may have.

Heart Link helps you with:

  • Dietary instruction (discuss a diet specific to your heart condition)

  • Exercise instruction (how to stay active and feel better)

  • Medication instruction (review your heart medications)

  • Symptoms to watch for so you know when to call your doctor

  • A "Heart Failure Zone" self-monitoring tool

  • Follow-up appointments (what to expect and importance of following up with your doctor)

  • Ongoing education with Heart Works, a heart failure education and support group

  • Heart Failure Booklet

  • Any questions or concerns related to your condition

Call for information: 513-585-0378