En Yaw Hong, MD
En Yaw Hong, MD
Vascular Surgery
The Christ Hospital Physicians - Heart & Vascular
4.8 out of 5 Stars 132 Ratings
Accepting New Patients

Locations for En Yaw Hong, MD

Treatments, Conditions and Areas of Interest

This list is a summary of the services provided by this physician. For a full list of services, please call the office directly at 513-541-0700.

  • Carotid artery disorders (TCAR and CEA)
  • Peripheral arterial disease (endovascular interventions and bypasses)
  • Claudication
  • Aortic Dissections (endovascular repair and open repair)
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Repair
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysms (endovascular repair and open repair)
  • Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)
  • Thoracoabdominal aneurysms (endovascular repair and open repair)
  • Venous disorders (endovascular repair and open repair)
  • Varicose veins (endovascular repair
  • sclerotherapy and open repair)
  • May-Thurner syndrome (endovascular repair and open repair)
  • Hemodialysis access creation
  • Limb Salvage
  • Mesenteric vessel occlusive disease (endovascular repair and open repair)
  • Renal artery disorders (endovascular repair and open repair)
  • IVC filter placement and retrieval
  • Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
  • Chronic venous insufficiency
  • Limb pain (vascular)
  • Anterior Lumbar Spine exposure
  • Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms

About En Yaw Hong, MD

En Yaw Hong, MD, is physician specializing in vascular surgery with The Christ Hospital Physicians – Heart & Vascular.

Dr. Hong chose a career in medicine out of desire to help others to feel their best, and he says it was the perfect way for him to use his own skills and interests to make a valuable contribution to society. He takes a careful, kind and competent patient-centric approach to providing care that is grounded in the realization that no two patients are the same. “There are many approaches to vascular surgery, but my aim is to find the best way for each respective patient,” he says. He strives to help his patients understand each of their treatment options so that they can take an active role and make informed decisions about their care.

He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. He completed his surgical residency at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and a vascular surgery fellowship at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. He is a member of the American College of Surgeons, the Society for Vascular Surgery, and the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society.

When not providing care, Dr. Hong enjoys traveling.

Gender: Male

Board Certification: Am Bd of Surgery (Surgery), Am Bd of Surgery (Vascular Surgery)

Education: Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Professional Education

Languages Spoken: English, Malay

Articles and Videos from En Yaw Hong, MD

Reviews & Ratings

Our star ratings come from responses to provider-related questions on the Press Ganey Patient Experience Survey. Comments from the survey are posted in their entirety. Patients are de-identified to maintain confidentiality and privacy. For more information, visit TheChristHosptial.com/feedback.

Reviewed on May 09, 2024

Very good team went above and beyond to take care of me

Reviewed on May 09, 2024

Dr Hong listens and comes up with a plan and gives you options after consideration. He is excellent. I feel safe. And his staff is out of this world.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024

I am recommending Dr Hong and his staff to my family and friends.

Insurance & Billing

The Christ Hospital Health Network and The Christ Hospital Physicians accept most insurance plans. Please check directly with your physician, the hospital or your insurance provider to ensure that you have coverage for our services.

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