Travis F. McClain, DO, RMSK
Travis F. McClain, DO, RMSK
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
The Christ Hospital Physicians - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
4.9 out of 5 Stars 387 Ratings
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Locations for Travis F. McClain, DO, RMSK

Treatments, Conditions and Areas of Interest

This list is a summary of the services provided by this physician. For a full list of services, please call the office directly at 513-792-7441.

  • Non-Surgical Spine and Musculoskeletal Care
  • Sports Medicine
  • Diagnostic Ultrasound
  • Ultrasound-Guided Procedures
  • Spine Injections
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Peripheral Joint Injections

About Travis F. McClain, DO, RMSK

Dr. Travis McClain grew up in Arizona, where he earned his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine (Glendale, AZ). He then relocated to Ohio to began his Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency at the University of Cincinnati before beginning his career as Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with the VA Sierra Nevada Healthcare System. As Chief of Service, Dr. McClain established the interventional spine program, pain clinic program, general physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic, and sports medicine and interventional/diagnostic ultrasound clinic.

An early riser on the weekends, you can find Dr. McClain catching EPL coverage to show his support for Liverpool FC. His hobbies include songwriting, and spending time with his wife and four daughters.

Gender: Male

Board Certification: Am Bd of P M & R (Physical Med. & Rehabilitation)

Education: Midwestern University - Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Professional Education

Languages Spoken: English

Articles and Videos from Travis F. McClain, DO, RMSK

Reviews & Ratings

Our star ratings come from responses to provider-related questions on the Press Ganey Patient Experience Survey. Comments from the survey are posted in their entirety. Patients are de-identified to maintain confidentiality and privacy. For more information, visit

Reviewed on November 19, 2024

Dr. McClain was very professional and kind. It was apparent that my care was very important to him!

Reviewed on November 12, 2024

I'm impressed with Dr McClain and nursing staff and would recommend

Reviewed on November 09, 2024

I was laying on my stomach during the approximately five minutes the provider was with me. There was very little/no opportunity for discussion or questions. All appointments are fast and brief the days, but this was the fastest/briefest I've experience to date.

Insurance & Billing

The Christ Hospital Health Network and The Christ Hospital Physicians accept most insurance plans. Please check directly with your physician, the hospital or your insurance provider to ensure that you have coverage for our services.

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