Which app should I be using?
The current Christ Hospital Mobile App is still functional until May 1, 2025 when we will be switching to the MyChart Mobile App. You can download and switch to the MyChart App at the links above at any time and are encouraged to do so. You will not be able to log into the Christ Hospital Mobile App as of May 1. You will log in with the same username and password that you use in the app or in MyChart. If you forgot your username or password, please see “I forgot my password FAQ.” If you used face ID, touch ID, biometrics (Android), or passcode you will need to set that up again. Please see how to set this up in the FAQ below.
How do I set up face ID, touch ID, biometrics or passcode in the MyChart App?
If you prefer to use face ID, touch ID, biometrics (Android), or passcode to log into the MyChart app on your mobile device, you will need to set this up by logging in to your account and then go to Account Setting.
To get to Account Settings, after logging in, tap on the circle icon with the first letter of your first name on it. Press the menu button in the upper right hand corner, scroll down and tap ‘Account Settings.’
Once in Account Settings tap on the toggle to enable face ID, touch ID, biometrics (Android) or passcode.
If you forgot your username or password to log in, tap on the reset links on the log in screen.
I forgot my password. What should I do?
Tap on the “Forgot Password” link on the sign in page to reset your username or password. You can access the link to reset here: MyChart - Password Reset Page.
If you need additional assistance, please call our Patient Support Line at 1-513-522-4278 (52-CHART).
Can I see clinical notes from my provider in my patient portal?
To ensure transparency, you are now able to see clinical notes that your provider and healthcare team, including nurses and medical assistants, document about your care. Examples include: progress notes, history & physicals, discharge summaries, procedure notes and consult notes.
We encourage you to review your notes and discuss any questions you may have with your provider (you can find the notes under Visits, then Visits). This is just one more way you and your provider can collaborate on your care.
What test results can I see in my patient portal, and how soon are they posted?
Test results (both normal and abnormal) are available as soon as they're complete in our lab, pathology and imaging departments. This means you may see test results before your provider has had a chance to review them.
Here are some helpful tips and resources you may want to reference in advance of seeing your test results:
Results can be "Negative" or "Unremarkable." This is the same as "Normal."
Results can be "H" for "high" or "L" for "low," indicating "outside of normal range." Very often, such results are not a reason to worry.
We will contact patients with serious findings as quickly as we can, but we cannot guarantee any specific timeframe, as we are sometimes caring for patients in the office or surgical suites when test results come through.
Because of possible worrisome findings, some patients may elect to wait a day or two for their provider to contact them (online message, phone call, mailed letter), before looking at their results.
We will aim to discuss possible results at the time of ordering the test, so you know what to expect.
Some patients and providers will arrange a follow-up visit (video visit or in-person visit) to discuss the results.
If you have an immediate concern after reviewing your test results, you can message or call your provider's office. Otherwise we prefer that you wait 1–2 days for us to contact you to discuss your results (or we may discuss them at your next appointment).
Patients who choose to look at their results immediately may feel comfortable researching answers online. Here are some helpful internet resources you can use to read more about specific tests:
How do I share my health record with my family or view their health record?
This is called proxy access. It allows a family member, caregiver, or guardian to log in to their personal patient portal and connect to information regarding their family member with their consent. Parents and guardians of minors will also need to complete a Proxy Consent Form and return it to one of our medical facilities to request access to this convenient service.
Log in to MyChart (app or website) then select "Sharing Hub" from the menu.
How do I pre-register for our delivery at the Birthing Center?
To make your delivery as smooth as possible, you can now pre-register for labor & delivery through your patient portal (previously, pre-registration was done over the phone).
The whole process takes about five minutes and allows you to pre-register at your convenience — ideally around your third month.
Steps to pre-register:
Log in to your MyChart (app or website).
Click "Visits" then From the menu select, "Register for My Delivery."
Follow the prompts: select your estimated delivery date and hospital (Mt. Auburn or Liberty); verify your demographic information; and then complete your insurance information - have your insurance card handy!
Questions? Call our pre-registration team at 513-585-0700.
Can I use my patient portal to show my COVID-19 vaccination status?
Yes! If need to show documentation that you received your COVID-19 vaccine and booster, you can access your record through your patient portal.
Select Covid-19 in the menu (under the "My Record" section).
To see additional detail about your vaccine, click the down arrow.
To print your vaccination record, select the orange "Download/Export" button. You can then save the PDF to your mobile device or computer and print if needed.
Adding Your COVID-19 Vaccination Info into your Patient Portal:
You can submit your vaccine information in a few different ways.You can check state and local registries, like the Ohio Department of Health, that we have synced with MyChart for vaccinations that were not received at The Christ Hospital Health Network. This will allow you to automatically verify your vaccination information if all the information below is present:
Your vaccination has a status of received, along with a valid administration date and lot number.
The identifying information matches your information in MyChart, including name, date of birth, sex, and address or phone number.
If you check these registries and your vaccine information is available BUT cannot be verified, you can confirm or discard it. This happens when not all the information noted above has been received.
If your vaccine information is NOT available after you check the state and local registries, you can manually update it through a questionnaire and submit it for review.
How are my privacy and personal information protected?
Our patient portals are fully compliant with federal and state laws pertaining to your privacy. Your name and email address will be treated with the same care and privacy given your health records and will never be sold or leased.
We take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure access codes, personal ID's, and passwords.
Each person controls their password, and the account cannot be accessed without that password. The Christ Hospital Mobile App uses the latest 128-bit SSL encryption technology with no caching to automatically encrypt your session within the App. Unlike conventional email, all messaging is done while you are securely logged in.
The Christ Hospital has been working to provide you with convenient access to care and services through enhanced technology solutions such as telehealth and MyChart. While clinical care outside of the traditional setting allows for additional physical safety and convenience, it also introduces data security and privacy risks that malicious groups aim to take advantage of.
To address these concerns, The Christ Hospital is constantly vetting our implementation of technology to ensure that your data is protected. You also play a critical role in data protection when communicating with us through technology.
Here are some tips for using our services safely and securely:
Configure your computers, mobile devices, and applications with strong passwords or biometric locks.
Never share your passwords with others.
Install a reputable antivirus product on your computer and make sure all software is up to date.
Encrypt devices and other media that contain sensitive information.
Try to avoid connecting to the public internet while working with sensitive web-based services.
Secure your home network.
You can do a video visit from almost anywhere, but make sure you are in a place with sufficient privacy, such as behind a closed door so you have control over who can hear the conversation.
Maintain a healthy skepticism of unsolicited emails, text messages or phone calls related to COVID-19 and always validate legitimacy before providing information.
Refer to our Patient App Health Information Privacy Policy [update to correct policy after colleens convo with legal] for more information about our collection and uses of your information through our mobile app and what choices you have regarding that information. Please reach out to your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns related to our services.
Can I use the Mobile App with Apple Health or CommonHealth?
The data in your MyChart App account can also be accessed via third-party applications, including Apple Health and the CommonHealth app on Android phones.
Information such as allergies, vital signs, medications, lab results, conditions, procedures and more can be pulled from the MyChart mobile app/website into these other apps.
By enabling you to gather your health information in one place, you are better able to monitor chronic conditions, adhere to treatment plans, and track progress in wellness or disease management programs. Both the Apple Health app and Android's CommonHealth app are free and secure.
Should you decide to integrate your data into a third-party application, you'll need to have a MyChart username and password set up.
Integrating your data with the Apple Health app:
Download the Apple Health app on your Apple device if you haven't already. Search for "Apple Health" in the App Store.
Go to the Health Records section of your Apple Health app and click on "Get Started."
Find The Christ Hospital in the list of networks provided.
You will be prompted to login to your MyChart account and all health data on the app will be visible to you and is encrypted and protected on your iPhone.
If you have records at other hospitals, labs or providers simply repeat the steps and all your Health records will be compiled into the Apple Health app.
Learn more from Apple.
Integrating your data with CommonHealth on Android phones:
Download the CommonHealth app from the Google Play Store on your Android device if you haven't already. Search for "CommonHealth" in the Play Store or use this link: Google Play Store: CommonHealth
Sign up for an account.
Choose the "Add Data Source" option and search for The Christ Hospital in the list of data sources provided.
You will be prompted to login to your MyChart account. All health data on the CommonHealth app will be visible to you and is encrypted and protected on your phone.
If you have records at other hospitals, labs or providers, simply repeat the steps and all your Health records will be compiled into the CommonHealth App.
Learn more from CommonHealth.
Can I use my patient portal during my hospital stay?
MyChart Bedside is a mobile or tablet-based application developed for our hospitalized patients and their families to access information about their hospital stay. You can bring your own tablet or mobile phone, or use one of our tablets to access MyChart Bedside.
With MyChart Bedside you can:
Access your test results – view your test and lab results and prepare questions for your care team.
Document personal notes or video reminders – and see your physician's notes.
Request non-urgent items like a blanket or more water.
View your schedule for the day, including appointments with other departments like imaging or therapy.
View photos of staff assigned to your care team.
View food/beverage selections on the dietary menu.
Read assigned educational topics and watch short educational videos.
Send messages to clinical staff about your care – and staff can respond.
Access Netflix – if you're feeling well enough, catch up on your favorite series!
Should you and your care team determine MyChart Bedside would be useful during your stay, one of our MyChart bedside liaisons will visit you and help get you started.
For more information about The Christ Hospital's MyChart Bedside, call 513-585-1960.
MyChart Bedside and Facetime:
The MyChart Bedside team has added the FaceTime app to all tablets and iPads due to current visitor restrictions in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. The feature is helping patients stay connected to their families and can even serve as an alternative care option for some departments to visit inpatients virtually, helping to slow the spread of coronavirus by allowing for social distancing.