Patient Stories
Your donations help real patients and healthcare workers, just like the ones below. Take a moment to read these wonderful patient stories and see all the great work you've helped us do so far!
Tina's Story
Tina Gifford had just bought a new pair of boots when she received the call.
"I'll never forget it. I was in my car in the parking lot, finding out I had breast cancer," Gifford said, adding, "I decided right then that these boots were going to help me kick it."
And she did, wearing the boots to all of her treatments. Continue reading Tina's story here.
Kay's Story
Kay French walked into a boardroom and jaws dropped...
At a luncheon later in the day, fellow guests watched in amazement as she navigated a crowded banquet room to find her table. In fact, everywhere Ms. French went, she raised eyebrows. And questions. How was it possible that she was getting around without a wheelchair, walker or even a cane so soon after hip replacement surgery? Continue reading Kay's story here.
Joe's Story
Joe Kohl, an information technology manager, was sitting at his desk at work when his chest started to burn.
"The burning was intense," he recalled. "I got really thirsty. I was sweating, feeling bad, and in a lot of pain. I told my boss something was wrong, that I was probably having a heart attack." His boss called 911, and Joe was taken to The Christ Hospital. Continue reading Joe's story here.
Jennifer's Story
Healthy milk, healthy lives for more babies...
Despite employment and income setbacks, Jennifer Rankin and her husband did their best to get ready for the birth of their son, Owen. They toured The Christ Hospital labor and delivery unit, they took childbirth and breastfeeding classes, they read several 'how-to' books on infant care. And then Owen was born - more than six weeks early. Continue reading Jennifer's story here.
Scholarship Support
Scholarship Support is Crucial for Nursing Students.
Clare Schaljo, sophomore, dreams of helping children. On her journey toward becoming a nurse, she has been extremely appreciative for the scholarship support she has received.
"Scholarship money has allowed me to put more time into my studies so I can be successful in my nursing and clinical courses. When I finish nursing school, I plan to give back by caring for children in pediatric services," she says. Continue reading Clare's story here.