CINCINNATI (December 27, 2022) – The holiday season means many families are using new tech including, phones, tablets and laptops. The Christ Hospital Health Network wants to make sure your new tech won’t wreck your neck as you begin to use these new devices.
Typical screen time posture leads to neck pain. Whether it’s a computer or your phone, you may be doing damage to your neck and spine. When you look at your phone, your head likely hangs down with your entire neck flexed. You may even have your chin almost on your chest.
"When you look straight ahead with your spine neutrally-aligned, your neck muscles maintain about 10 to 12 pounds of force to support your head," said Jared Crasto, MD, spine surgeon for The Christ Hospital Health Network. "When you look down slightly at a 15-degree angle, that increases to 27 pounds of weight on your muscles. At 60 degrees, which is how most people look at their phones, your neck muscles have to support 60 pounds of force."
Some long-term risks of poor screen time posture include:
• Tension Headaches
• Neck pain
• Jaw pain
• Loss of range of motion in neck
• Pinched nerves
• Herniated discs
When using a computer, Dr. Crasto recommends the following:
• Sit with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle
• Place your feet flat on the floor
• Set your eyes and head level with the top of your screen
• Support your lower back with a cushion or pillow
Maintaining proper phone posture can be harder.
"It's best to use your phone when you are either seated or standing still," said Dr. Crasto. "You tend to have worse posture when you move and use your phone. You should also text with two hands. When you text with one hand, you tend to tilt your neck toward your phone increasing neck tension."
You can read more about this topic by clicking here.