Do you need more vitamin D in your life? Chances are, if you live in Cincinnati, the answer is yes – especially in the middle of a cold and cloudy winter.
Why is vitamin D important?
Vitamin D helps our body metabolize calcium, which is a key component of our bone strength and immune system health. Sunlight converts vitamin D to a functional form in our body, making those warm rays even more welcome.
As fall rolls into winter and our days get shorter – and darker – it's important to make your health a priority.
"Have your vitamin D checked to see if you have low levels," says Dr. Geraldine Vehr, primary care physician at The Christ Hospital. "Getting adequate calcium in your diet is important in order to have strong, healthy bones."

How much vitamin D do I need?
In addition to bone health, low vitamin D levels can also impact other areas of your health: increased fatigue, depression and a weakened immune system.
Physicians recommend a daily vitamin D dosage of 600 IU (international units) for both children and adults. Check the multivitamin labels in your house to make sure you and your loved ones are getting the correct amount of vitamin D. Talk with your physician about over-the-counter supplement options for your family.
Even though we can't control how much sunshine we'll see in Cincinnati this winter, we can put proactive steps in place to help avoid the "winter blues." In addition to incorporating a vitamin D supplement, consider stocking your winter menu with Vitamin-D rich foods. Cheese, mushrooms, egg yolks and fatty fish like salmon are all packed with Vitamin D. Foods with fortified Vitamin D include yogurt, milk and certain types of cereal.
The Christ Hospital primary care team is here to help you make changes to your vitamin D intake this winter. Schedule an appointment online today with one of our primary care experts. We also offer convenient primary care e-visits from the comfort of your own home.