Tagged Posts: "Sleep Medicine" (9)

Sleep Better, Feel Better

Trouble falling or staying asleep? Turns out 1 in 3 of us aren’t getting enough quality sleep to protect our health. Let’s pull back the covers on common sleep problems – and how some can make your heart work harder when you’re supposed to be at rest. Read More

Posted June 28, 2024 | With Karthik Kanagarajan, MD; Joseph Hellmann, MD; and Eugene Chung, MD
Decaf or Regular? The Complex Relationship Between Caffeine and Health

Espresso. Lattes. Tea. Energy Drinks. Do you have a go-to for that extra jolt when you’re feeling sluggish? Family medicine specialist Dr. Ben Smith talks about the importance of self-awareness and moderation with your favorite caffeine pick-me-up. Read More

Posted May 01, 2024 | With Benjamin P. Smith, MD, The Christ Hospital Physicians - Family Medicine
Don’t Snooze on Getting Sleep Apnea Checked

Live in a home where you can hear someone snoring through the walls? Or maybe it's you? Q102's Jennifer Fritsch talks with ENT specialist Matthew Hensler, MD, about the causes of sleep apnea and ways to treat it. Read More

Posted November 20, 2023 | By Jennifer Fritsch, Q102 radio personality; and Matthew Hensler, MD, The Christ Hospital Physicians - Ear, Nose & Throat
Nine Months, No Zzz’s? Talking Sleep with Your OB/GYN

Sleep is essential to a healthy pregnancy, but common pitfalls can easily keep you awake at night. From dealing with heartburn to restless legs, OB/GYN Dr. Christopher Carls shares how to catch up on those precious Z’s. Read More

Posted March 21, 2023 | With Christopher T. Carls, DO, The Christ Hospital Physicians - Obstetrics & Gynecology
Sleep Apnea: A Poor Bedfellow

Snoring turns bedtime into dread-time for millions of Americans every night. Aside from costing you some ZZZ’s, snoring can be a warning sign of dangerous health issues. Dr. Joseph Hellmann talks about the impacts of sleep apnea and new ways to treat it. Read More

Posted January 09, 2023 | With Joseph Hellmann, MD, The Christ Hospital Physicians - Ear, Nose & Throat
Bed, Back and Beyond: Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Poor sleep and back pain can go hand-in-hand. From mattresses and pillows to strengthening your core, physical medicine specialist Dr. Travis F. McClain shares how you can ease that pain and get a better night’s sleep. Read More

Posted August 26, 2022 | By Chelsie, B105 radio personality, and Travis F. McClain, DO, with The Christ Hospital Physicians - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Are You Just Tired? Or Is It Anemia?

Constantly feeling fatigued? It could be a warning sign for anemia. Dr. Bryan Grove shares symptoms and treatments for the most common blood disorder in America. Read More

Posted July 14, 2022 | By Bryan Grove, MD, The Christ Hospital Physicians - Primary Care
5 Sleep Habits You Should Break

Could your habits be causing you to lose sleep? Learn which ones to break starting tonight. Read More

Posted March 01, 2022 | By Karthikeyan Kanagarajan, MD, Medical Director, The Christ Hospital Sleep Centers
10 Things to Know About Sleep and Insomnia

Have trouble falling or staying asleep? Wondering what to do when you wake in the night or if Melatonin is really safe? Learn what Q102's Jennifer Fritsch discovered from our sleep experts. Read More

Posted October 01, 2020 | By Jennifer Fritsch, Q102 radio personality; Karthikeyan Kanagarajan, MD, and Jennifer Krumpelbeck, CNP, The Christ Hospital Physicians - Sleep Medicine